Product Details
Growing Zones 6 to 9
Page Number 23
Planting Season Spring
Fertilizer Type 5-5-7
Flowering Season Summer
Light Requirements Full Sun
Fragrant Strong, sweet and spicy
Size Shipped 2 year, #1 grade
Height 4 ft to 5 ft
Flowering Yes
Petal Count 30-35
Foliage Color Green
Flower Color Cream with pink
Spacing 2 ft
Bareroot y
Budded y
Deciduous y
Prune Time Late fall and early spring
Hybrid / Open Pollinated: Hybrid
Genus Rosa
Species hybrida
Subspecies HILaroma
Common Name Rose, Hybrid Tea, Secret™

Rose, Hybrid Tea, Secret™

Buy 5 or more for $28.95 each
(Var: HILaroma) Exhibition-quality blooms are rich cream brushed with pink on the outer edges of the petals. As each petal reflexes, it shows a touch of gold, which gives an overall glow to the blooms. The plants produce blooms with a lavish hand and are covered with glossy, bright green foliage. It is no secret that it's intensely fragrant. A few blooms make even a large room smell like a perfume factory. Stems have few or no thorns.
Bare Root Budded

Growing Zone: 6 to 9

Light Requirements: Full Sun


Height: 4 ft to 5 ft

State Restrictions


Growing Zones 6 to 9
Page Number 23
Planting Season Spring
Fertilizer Type 5-5-7
Flowering Season Summer
Light Requirements Full Sun
Fragrant Strong, sweet and spicy
Size Shipped 2 year, #1 grade
Height 4 ft to 5 ft
Flowering Yes
Petal Count 30-35
Foliage Color Green
Flower Color Cream with pink
Spacing 2 ft
Bareroot y
Grafted y
Deciduous y
Prune Time Late fall and early spring
Hybrid / Open Pollinated: Hybrid
Genus Rosa
Species hybrida
Subspecies HILaroma
Common Name Rose, Hybrid Tea, Secret™


Write a review
The Secret of the Secret Rose
Jan 25, 2025  |  By Kelly Blanpied
Is that it lives up to its claims: prolific blossoms, disease free, hardy, and most of all its scent is the scent expected of a rose. I can't help but share the blossoms!

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